The implementation of Microsoft Word Program in teaching writing there are tree steps, as follows:
1. Pre-activities
a. The teacher prepare the media will be used
b. The teacher explain what Spelling and Grammar facility is, and how to use it
2. While activities
a. The teacher given the students text which contained incorrect words and asked to write by typing in the Microsoft Word Program
b. The students asked to correct the text with Spelling and Grammar facility
c. The students asked to arrange the jumbled words to become good sentences
d. The teacher ask to all the students to write recount text based on the picture given
e. The students asked to correct recount text with Spelling and Grammar facility.
3. Post activities
a. The teacher make correct the students written
b. The teacher given comment and correctness the mistakes
c. The teacher given chance for the students to recheck again the text with Spelling and Grammar facility